TESA was originally founded in 1991 to promote and represent the outdoor events industry, encourage good practise, raise and maintain standards and bring together those supplying and organising events whilst providing information, support and advice to members.

The organisation has had limited activity over the past few years due to the Director’s involvement with the Events Industry Forum and The Purple Guide.

We are now relaunching TESA with a renewed purpose and value.

The new TESA will not be providing guidance on how to run events. That is amply covered by the Purple Guide which TESA fully supports. Indeed, TESA Director Jim Winship continues to be Secretary for the Events Industry Forum which publishes the guide.

TESA does, however, provide support for members in interpreting the guidance and in providing access to other information to help members deal with the increasingly complex issues involved in running event businesses, such as employment law.

Our mission as an organisation is to promote the British outdoor events industry, encourage best practise, educate, inform and provide a forum for members to meet, support and share knowledge with one another.

Membership & Certification

TESA aims to provide socially responsible and inclusive membership for anyone with an interest in events, including organisers, suppliers, venues and contractors to the events industry, with a focus on outdoor events but open to anyone who creates events and makes events happen.

As TESA endorses The Purple Guide as the industry standard for outdoor events, by joining TESA members agree to support and uphold the guidance set-out in The Purple Guide. To support this, all members will receive a certificate endorsing their support for the Gude.


Unlike many similar organisations, TESA aims to be a truly democratic organisation where all members have equal say and which is not dominated by a small clique at the top.

We aim to achieve this by bringing members together to share knowledge and discuss issues through open forums supported by a Secretariat that is responsive to member concerns and committed to taking issues up that are of concern to the industry. TESA is well placed to do this as it already has established channels of communication across central and local government as well as in the specialist areas that impact the industry.

TESA Forums

Each year TESA will hold 3-4 Forums which members can attend, either in person or online, to discuss issues, hear expert speakers on different topics and join panel discussions. The aim is that these should be networking opportunities, with an opportunity for attendees to mingle over lunch or a coffee.

These forum meetings will also act as an opportunity for members to raise and discuss issues as well give direction to the Secretariat.

Member are each entitled to one free place at all these forums. Additional tickets will be available to purchase.

These Forums will take place in easily accessible locations and at times when the industry tends to be less busy.

Keeping Members Informed

Throughout the year members will be kept informed of topics that could affect them through regular ebulletins. Included in these will be details of any relevant Government consultations, changes in legislation, HR advice and so forth.

Advice Hub

As part of its support Hub for members, TESA provides members with access to a wealth of free business advice, including a free legal helpline service covering HR and health & safety.

Members also have access to expert advice through the Assocation’s extensive contacts across Government and industry.

Further, the TESA Member Hub provides a library of recorded webinars and guidance on employment law and HR advice.

Have Your Say and Keep in Touch

TESA provides members with an opportunity to be heard on issues that affect the events industry. As well as inviting you to comment on issues, government consultations etc. when they arise, members can also put forward issues for debate across the membership.

As part of this we will undertake a Quarterly Heartbeat survey to obtain member views on issues and the state of the market and we will share the results with members, Government and opinion formers to make sure our industry remains top of mind with those of influence.

Supplier index

Those supplying the outdoor events industry will be listed in an open Supplier Index giving their name, address, contact numbers/emails and details of the products they supply.

Membership Benefits & Costs

All Members:

  • Membership certificate confirming support of the Purple Guide
  • Regular ebulletins
  • Free access to the TESA legal helpline
  • Free access to TESA Advice Hub
  • Free place at all TESA Forum meetings
  • Access to Member Hub
  • Opportunities to raise issues for debate with members
  • Participation in Heartbeat surveys


  • Listing in supplier index with logo

Membership Rates:

Suppliers - £250 + VAT per annum
Event Organisers - £175 + VAT per annum
Local Authorities - £75 + VAT per annum
Students - £50 + VAT per annum

Click here to download the TESA Membership Application form.